

Tutor working with large group of students in the Science Center

Learn more about what we do in the Science Center. 

Did you know that students who regularly  use the Science Center generally do better in their science classes by one full letter grade than students who don't take advantage of all we have to offer?

Learn More

Tutoring is not teaching. Our staff of peer tutors won't lecture to you, and they won't just give you correct answers, correct your homework, or comment on your lab data or reports. Tutoring is a process our staff follows to help you develop your own understanding of key concepts, to learn to think critically, and to develop problem-solving skills.

What we do:

  • We ask you questions, lots of questions, to determine where you are and where you are having difficulties.
  • We work with you to become a self-sufficient learner, and guide you so that you develop the skills to do well.
  • We care about you. Tell us what we can do to help.

Students who take advantage of the Science Center's tutors do better...period, and we have the data to prove it.

What you can do:

  • Come prepared!
    Bring all relevant materials --- textbook, lecture notes, assignments, problems, whatever's needed.
    Do the assigned reading and try to do the homework or problems beforehand.
    Don't miss class!
    Have specific questions ready for the tutor.
  • Actively participate
    Ask the tutor how she/he studied for that course.
    Stop the tutor if she/he is going too fast.
    Don't be afraid to say, "I still don't get it. Let's do it again."
    Review the material on your own. Work lots of similar problems.
    Consider getting a study partner or joining a study group.
    Don't expect the tutor to do the work for you!

As always, see the director if you have questions or concerns. We are here to help you succeed!

Individual and group tutoring -- Students should always come to the Science Center to get the help they need to do well in their science classes. No appointments are necessary for drop-in tutoring. Come as often as you need! Stay as long as you need!

Help is available for our target chemistry and biology classes any time we're open! Physics help is available during most of our open hours as well. Check at the front desk for help with:

  • Upper-level chemistry classes, such as Biochemistry and Analytical Chemistry
  • Upper-level biology classes, such as Genetics, Cell Biology, and Biostatistics, as well as Anatomy & Physiology classes


Apply to work at the Science Center! If you're a good science student who enjoys helping others, complete an application to become a Peer Tutor. Join a group of dedicated, helpful students who want others to be successful at UCCS. Click here for an application, or come to the Science Center. If you have any questions, email the director or stop by his office (CENT 204C).